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Flynn vs. Stern Amended Motion to Dismiss

Flynn vs. Stern Amended Motion to Dismiss

There is no question our nation is in the middle of a political war over speech. General Flynn and other MAGA leasers are using weaponized litigation to tie up the courts to suppress, delay and silence their enemies. It has happened over and over. Unfortunately, it works. Good men like Everett Stern are attacked, can’t afford the lawyers shared by MAGA’s donors, disciples and those who want four more years of using a government office to divide.

General Flynn has sued Everett Flynn a second time over protected use of political speech and whistleblowing. Despite having other cases stayed or dismissed under anti-SLAPP, Flynn and his lawyers keep suing. This fundraiser is to provide Everett Stern with the best legal defense, experts and to fund depositions and legal strategies to continue to fight the use of the courts for retaliation and political gain.

Media has reported many instances over the last decade where courts were specifically used to settle scores, suppress protected speech and even surreptitiously seek discovery which may be classified or otherwise privileged to investigations.

On Nov. 25, 2020, then-President Donald J. Trump announced he was granting a pardon to one of his closest allies, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, his former national security advisor. Flynn admitted guilt in 2017 to lying to federal investigators about his contacts with Russia during the presidential transition. Once Freed, Flynn teamed up with billionaires and lawyers because he felt that the election of President Joe Biden was “probably the greatest fraud that our country has ever experienced in our history” and he planned to do anything to reverse it. Martial law? Sure. Intimidation? Absolutely. The New York Times outlined their plan in the article- Michael Flynn is Still at War, located here-

Whistleblower turned politically ambitious change crusader Everett Stern owned a private intelligence firm. His services were requested to help the effort by Flynn and others. Instead of traditional opposition research, Stern saw what he viewed as a criminal plot and proceeded to report it to law enforcement. He blew the whistle. And now MAGA, Flynn and others have resorted to harassment, death threats and use of the courts.

Attorney John M. Phillips has reviewed the case of Everett Stern and has agreed to represent him. Phillips represented Omarosa Manigault-Newman when she was sued in weaponized ligation to gag her political speech, suppress a book and otherwise prevent her from blowing the whistle on government corruption. Phillips fought for her and other victims of the NDA abuse and it resulted in an unprecedented attorney fee awards against President Trump and his political campaign, cancellation of White House NDA’s and a admonition to anyone wanting to suppress protected speech. He’s also successfully received dismissal and attorney fees against Larry Klayman and advised many other whistleblowers and victims and acts as one of the national most preeminent civil rights lawyers, being named to Forbes inaugural list of America’s top lawyers in 2024.

This lawsuit is just one of many Trump’s allies and MAGA movement have filed to silence those protecting democracy. As noted by Fred Wellman of the Lincoln Project and others, Flynn has weaponized the Binnall Law Group (Alexandria, Virginia), which is representing Mr. Flynn. They have been repeatedly filing or defending lawsuits on behalf of the MAGA world, including for prominent public officials such as President Trump, Ambassador Grenell, former Congressman Devin Nunes and Kash Patel. They also make home addresses public and use their lawsuits to dox people they sue. It needs an aggressive response, to include seeking sanctions against Mr. Flynn and his attorneys, and pursue all available avenues to expose those who are financially bankrolling these litigious efforts. Mr. Phillips has done just that. Unlike in the past, we need to add other lawyers and experts and aggressively investigate and take discovery. That takes a lot of hours of work and costs to do it.

We would not be able to defend these types of lawsuits without the assistance of the public. Please help us fight back against MAGA nd weaponized litigation by contributing even a small donation.