Hoverboards, electric skateboards or gliders are powered by lithium ion batteries, which are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a hazardous material. Internal short-circuits can occur, which can then lead to a “thermal runaway” where the battery overheats and bursts into flames. As such, airlines have made policies prohibiting transportation. We can’t find a single airline which allows them anymore.
- Air Canada: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Air France: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Alaska Airlines: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- American: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- British Airways: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Delta: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Easy Jet: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Frontier: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Hawaiian Air: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- JetBlue: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Southwest: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Spirit: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- United: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.
- Virgin America: Not allowed in checked luggage.
- WestJet: Not allowed in checked or carry-on luggage.