phillips, hunt & walker Fernandina Beach Traffic Ticket
While each traffic ticket situation is unique, Law Offices of John M. Phillips knows each and every client needs the best possible quality representation. Law Offices of John M. Phillips will make it a priority to better represent you by getting to know you and your life in Fernandina Beach. Law Offices of John M. Phillips genuinely cares about you and your struggles and will do everything possible to assist you with your legal process.
Law Offices of John M. Phillips has earned a reputation for being a vigorous and passionate legal advocate for those accused or arrested on traffic ticket charges. Law Offices of John M. Phillips cares about your case and your future. Call (904) 444-4444 today.
Law Offices of John M. Phillips knows what to expect in all types of criminal cases and fight fearlessly on behalf of our clients. Law Offices of John M. Phillips is compassionate and understanding of each client and their issues, and make it a personal goal to win each case that is undertaken. Law Offices of John M. Phillips is a criminal defense law firm that has a focus on traffic ticket law in the Fernandina Beach area.