The Law Offices of John Phillips won the title of Boldest Business in 2012 for its Bold innovation of how people interact with lawyers. JAX Boldest sought votes from the public to identify the best company, non-profit organization and project of 2011.
“We are living among many talented individuals and a diverse business environment,” said Robert Hill, JAXUSA Partnership chair and president and CEO of Acosta Inc. “JAX Boldest will help us find some of those innovative and creative ideas developed in the JAX region that we may not already know about.”
The contest was part of the #ilovejax campaign that celebrates all of the great things about the JAX region and encourages citizens to talk about the city and region to family, friends, colleagues and visitors outside of the region.
John was presented the award and a $500 check by Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown “It was a distinct pleasure to be associated with such a project. I came to Jacksonville over 10 years ago and have made it my home. I love Jax and the surrounding area,” said Phillips, “It’s hard for a law firm to be considered BOLD. We try to change the way people think about lawyers, bring personal access to the people and strive to give back to our community daily. To quote Abraham Lincoln, ‘As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.” John donated the $500 to a local charity.